Aug 6, 2014

update dulu yuk...

Wuih, dah hampir 2 tahun ga ngeblog.
Sok jd orang sibuk ceritanya.

Dari nyiapin nikahan, punya keluarga kecil sendiri, menikmati kehamilan, sampai menanti kelahiran si adek yang InsyaAllah 2 bulan lagi.

Hmmm, yuk kita nulis lagi :)

Jan 26, 2013

A little motivation

Keep fight to all challenges in this world...
do as cool as we can do..
push through the limit of boundaries..
and InsyaAllah someday you'll get what you've been dreaming on, our dream.
keep fight honey... keep fight .. !
to reach the best of us. ^^

Jan 24, 2013

A day with him #2

Sebuah pertemuan akhirnya terlaksana.
bertemu dengan keluarganya,
di tempat dia dibesarkan, tempatnya bertumbuh,
Another great family,
dengan sambutan yang hangat,

Dec 20, 2012

Month #2 : Leaving on a jet plane

Go to Jakarta
for a National Summit 2 Perubahan Iklim 

The view from my room at 15th floor

Dec 9, 2012

Pizza . . . pizza . . . pizza. . . again

This time i make the round one.
The base are thicker than usually.
Onion, green onion, ground beef and mozzarella cheese on the top.
Wanna some??

Dec 2, 2012

My books

is one of my hobby,
I like any kind of books,
from children's story, real life story, fiction, epic, science,

Tere Liye's books

Andrea Hirata's books

Nov 19, 2012


It's been a month
since you text me for the first time,
a call in the next day
until today.